“Your Lie in April” is a very popular manga that was serialized in “Monthly Shonen Magazine” from May 2011 to March 2015. The series has been published in 11 volumes and has sold more than 5 million copies. It was also nominated for the 2012 Manga Grand Prix, won the Kodansha Manga Award in the shonen category in 2013, and was made into a live-action movie in 2016.
In this article, I’ll introduce some of the quotes and sayings from Your Lie in April.
Quotes by Kosei Arima to make your life colorful
Music was such a blood-boiling thing
These are the words of wisdom that Arima uttered while listening to the performance of Takeshi Aiza and Emi Igawa, who have always been regarded as rivals, for the first time in two years.
Until now, Arima had no one he could call a rival. He played the piano so perfectly that people around him called him a puppet of his mother, and he was always in first place in competitions.
However, while Arima did not play the piano, Aiza and Igawa, whom he considered his rivals, grew up and influenced Arima by increasing the depth of their music.
This is a quote that expresses the moment when Arima realized the people who seemed to be his rivals.
I don’t need anyone else. I just need you.
This is the quote that he uttered in his mind when he understood who he was playing the piano for.
Arima enters a competition, but stops playing halfway and is disqualified. Even so, he remembers Kaori Miyazono and resumes his own performance.
Arima was originally unsure of what she wanted to play the piano for. In the midst of this, he recalls a bitter memory from his past and stops playing once, but he starts playing again with the sole intention of conveying his feelings to Kaori Miyazono.
The result was that he was disqualified for interrupting his performance, but his friends, the judges, the audience, and his rivals were all charmed by his performance.
Arima’s passion for Kaori was evident in his famous words, “I’m fine with just one person, I’m fine with just you.
Maybe the light will shine on the bottom of the dark sea
出典:漫画『四月は君の嘘』6巻22話「トゥインクル リトルスター」より
This quote was uttered while he was drowning in the pool and thinking that he might grow up.
Arima participated in a competition for the first time since he stopped playing the piano, but his symptoms of losing sound while playing had not improved.
While having fireworks by the school pool with Tsubaki, Wataru, and Kaori, he inadvertently falls into the pool. There, he sees the light at the bottom of the water and realizes that he might be able to escape the darkness he is in.
Music may be more than words
This is a quote from Arima to Nagi Aiza.
In the scene of the dialogue between Arima and Nagi, Arima is worried that Kaori is going to be hospitalized and is not able to practice the piano.
Arima says, “When you can share your sound with many people, when your sound reaches many people, when you put your heart and soul together, music may surpass words. These are the words that came out of Arima’s encounter with Kaori and the colorful everyday life she experienced.
I think this is the scene where he realized the importance of performing for someone he found there, and expressed the greatness of music.
From the moment we meet someone, we’re never alone
This is the quote that she uttered in her heart when she played the piano while thinking about everyone at the winter competition where her high school entrance was at stake.
Before the important contest, Kaori went to the intensive care unit and Arima was in no condition to play the piano. But Kaori cheered him up and he managed to go on stage.
When Tsubaki sneezed in the hall, she realized that everyone was watching her play. She realizes that she is on stage with the support of the people around her, and begins to perform.
This is the scene where she decides to play as a pianist to respond to the people who have been involved in her life and have enriched it.
This is the quote that came from his heart when he expressed such determination, and the piano he played while thinking of so many people moved the audience.
Words of wisdom from Kaori Miyazono, who fulfilled her life in her own way
I hope that whoever listens to me will never forget me, and that I can live in their heart forever
This is a quote from Kaori herself about why she plays the violin when Arima is running away from her piano accompaniment.
Although the words came out because she wanted to make Arima her own accompanist, it was also a scene where she accepted her own death and talked about her life as a violinist. Therefore, in this scene, Kaori, who usually keeps a smile on her face, asks Arima to accompany her with tears in her eyes.
Since it was the beginning of the story, many of you may not have understood why she went to such lengths to ask.
However, if you read the story to the end and look at this scene again, you can feel the will of Kaori to do what she wants to do before she dies.
You are you. “Be you” is not a vague thing. It doesn’t matter what you do or how you change. You’re still you anyway
This is a quote by Kaori when Arima is about to lose herself when she remembers that the cat she used to have scratched her hand and her mother threw it away the next day.
He was told that he was his mother’s puppet, and he didn’t know who he was from a young age.
Kaori tells Arima that they are not Bach or Chopin, and that there are limits to what they can imitate. Then she told him, “You just have to play sincerely with all you have in your life.
Kosei Arima is a quote by Kaori that teaches us the importance of facing the piano as yourself and playing in your own way.
I wonder if it will reach you, I hope it does, Kosei Arima, I love you
After the winter competition where Arima’s entry into high school was at stake, he received a letter from Kaori, and this is the quote that tells the truth about what he has been through in the letter.
After the winter competition, Kaori passes away, and he receives a letter from her parents. In the letter, she tells them why she became a violinist and who she really loved.
The reason why she wanted to become a violinist was because she was moved by Arima’s first lecture. Then, she wanted Kosei Arima to play the piano for her, so she stopped the piano she was learning and started aiming to become a violinist.
Also, the person that Kaori really loved was Kimio Arima.
In the beginning of the story, Kaori said that she liked Wataru, but it was actually a lie to get closer to Arima. In this way, the letter contains the true confession that Kaori has never been able to say face to face.
At the end of the letter, she says, “I wonder if you can reach me, I hope you can. This is a quote that expresses her honest feelings to Arima.
Wise words from Ryota Watari, a man who seems to be a charlatan, but is also a friend
Every superstar has setbacks, and it’s only in adversity that you find out if they’re real or not
This is a quote when Arima lost the music in the middle of his performance at the annual music competition and remembered Wataru’s words.
When Wataru loses the soccer competition, Arima encourages him saying, “A superstar is always frustrated,” but Wataru says, “That’s perfect for you.
But Wataru said, “That’s perfect for you.” He continued, “A superstar always has setbacks. Because the stars shine at night,” and encourages his best friend Arima, who is at the bottom of the world. This was the scene where he was telling Arima, who had lost his hearing, that he could overcome his adversity as a pianist and shine like a star.
After this, Arima stops playing, but he is able to give a performance that he has never given before and successfully get through the competition.
This is a quote that encourages his best friend even when he himself is feeling down.
Wise words from Tsubaki Sawabe, who keeps thinking about the person he loves.
I’m going to be around you forever and ever like a spirit behind you!
This is a quote by Tsubaki when Arima was feeling depressed after the death of Kaori Miyazono, Arima’s favorite person.
Tsubaki has been next to Arima since he was a child. Although he didn’t realize it, he had always been in love with Arima.
He had always had a bewildered feeling towards Arima who liked Kaori. However, he finally confesses his love for Arima in his own way, while encouraging Arima who has lost the person he loves.
This is a quote that reminds us that although Arima and Tsubaki’s future paths are different, they will live together for the rest of their lives.
I have introduced some quotes and sayings from “Your Lie in April”.
As there are 11 volumes in the series, I think each word has a great meaning in this work.
Therefore, even if you have read the book once, you will be able to see it in a different way as you read it more times, so please read it more times.