Quotes from “The House of Xavi”
The family that assassinated Char’s father ‘Zion Zum Dyken’ and usurped the power of Zeon. They are a family of five, led by the commander-in-chief ‘Guillen Xavi’, his father ‘Deggin’, his second brother ‘Dzur’, his eldest daughter ‘Xylia’, and his third son ‘Galma’. Let’s take a look at some of their quotes.
“I dare you! Being a cunt!”
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This is a section of “Guillen Xavi’s” speech before the final battle with the Federation. The Zeon army was defeated right in front of their home base, but the secret weapon and this speech brought the Zeon army back to life. This series of speeches are very powerful and powerful with the voice actor’s ability. Other speeches of Guillen are also excellent, so if you are interested in this one, please listen to it.
“Hitler was murdered by his own people”
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In the TV anime “Mobile Suit Gundam”, the Duke of Zeon “Degin Sod Xavi” muttered these words. It alludes in an odd way to the fate of Gilen, whom Degin ridiculed as “Hitler’s tail”. However, the historical Hitler was not killed by his own people, so it is changed to “defeated” in the movie version.
“The fight is in the numbers”
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Dzur Xavi’s complaint about the fact that the reinforcements sent to defend Space Fortress Solomon were a single giant MA. Considering the fact that Zeon was defeated in front of the Federation, he hit the bull’s eye. But he also made the mistake of losing his precious fleet due to a personal grudge.
“The Red Comet has fallen to the ground, hasn’t it?”
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Xylia Xavi said to Char, who was still fighting with the Gundam as best she could after receiving a state-of-the-art Geonghold. After that, the red comet literally beheaded him in his sleep, so there’s nothing to worry about.
“Shah! You’re scheming! Shah!”
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The cry of regret from “Galma Xavi” when she was told by Shar herself that she had fallen for Shar’s plot. It’s a little sad because Galma had trusted Shah as a friend.
Quotes from “Other Zion Soldiers”
The glorious soldiers of the Zeon army who stood up for their independence from Side 3. It’s hard to deny that they went too far, but we’ve compiled some of their soul-stirring quotes.
“It’s not like Zak! Zakk!”
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This is a line from Captain “Ramba Ral” who was sent to avenge Galma’s death. He was in high spirits as he boarded the MS Guf, which outperformed Zaku, but he was a step short of the even more overwhelmingly powerful Gundam. These are the words of a man who understands the difference.
You used me as a stepping stone!
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This is a line uttered by the black tri-star Miguel Gaia, who was defeated by the Gundam driven by Amuro in a frightening attack of the Jet Stream Attack, and it is one of the most well-known lines in anime and manga. It’s a line that has high general recognition, and you can often see parodies of it in anime, manga, and video games.
“Get that jar to Lady Xylia, please. It’s a good one”
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“Ma-Kube” is the word for Colonel Imawa. The word “ma kube” means “pot” and the word “pot” means “ma kube”.
“It’s just a decoration. Those in high places wouldn’t understand that”
The words of a nameless mechanic who spoke forcefully and indignantly to Char, who was worried about the lack of legs on the Geongues. It’s a line of wisdom that continues to be loved by Gundam fans as a line of sorrow for those in the field who are pushed around by the difference in perception between them and their superiors.
In Mobile Suit Gundam, fascinating characters unfold a gritty human drama. Their words, which are spun in the extreme conditions of “war,” resonate very realistically even to those of us who have never experienced war. That realism may be the reason why “Mobile Suit Gundam” is loved by a whole generation. There are a lot of great words of wisdom that couldn’t be introduced here, so please try watching “Mobile Suit Gundam” again.