How long does it take to produce a second season?
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This data is a bit disturbing to Mahoyome fans, but there are several works that sold well in the first season, but due to stocking problems, the second season was not produced, and even after the stocking was built up, the second season was not produced….
For example, in spite of the fact that the first season of “Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun” sold over 10,000 copies and the original comics sold well, the second season was not produced for a long time due to lack of stock, and 2 years after the anime adaptation, the stock of one season was finally accumulated, but even after that, 3 years passed without a second season being produced.
Jewel Country” which was broadcasted at the same time as “Mahoyome” and became a hit of the same magnitude, didn’t have enough stock after the broadcast ended, and after a year, they had enough stock to make one cool season, but there was no announcement for a second season.
As long as there are cases like this, just because a work is popular doesn’t necessarily mean that a second season will be made.
It is natural to think that the timing and span of the work have a small effect on it.
Due to the production company’s schedule, the rise of other works, and the time frame, the longer it takes to air the first season, the more disadvantageous it becomes.
So, how many years after the first season airs is realistic for the second season to be produced?
For example, if the first season was a mega-hit, it will be produced and aired even if there is a 3 or 4 year gap between seasons.
For example, if the first season is a mega-hit, it will be produced and aired even if it has been blanked for 3 or 4 years. was produced 5 years later, and the second season of “Magic High School’s Inferior Students” was produced 6 years later, both of which were huge hits.
With the exception of remakes, disc sales of less than 10,000 copies in a single season and this many blanks in a single season are rare.
However, there are exceptions.
Fafner of Soukyu no Fafner, which aired in 2004, didn’t reach 10,000 copies, but it continued to have a strong following even after the show ended, and a second season was realized 11 years later in 2015.
If there isn’t a second season by 2020, more than three years will have passed since the first season began airing, but that’s not necessarily the time limit!
Looking at the disc sales alone, I think a second season is possible, but other factors seem to be delaying the realization of a second season.
The popularity of the work is still high, so there is a good chance that a second season will be made, but there are concerns that the original work will be completed without a plan going forward.
I can’t wait to hear the good news!