Dragon Quest IV: The Greatest Equipment List
出典 : Amazon.co.jp
Brave man
Zenithian Sword
Zenithian Armor
Zenithian Shield
Zenithian Helmet(Metal Babble Helm)
Metal Babble Sword
Metal Babble Armour
Mirror Shield(Metal Babble Shield )
Metal Babble Helm
Stillento Earrings
Shimmering Dress(Angel BIkini )
Gold Hairpin(Gpld Tiara)
Metal Babble Sword
Metal Babble Armor
Metal Babble Shield
Metal Babble Helm
Magma Staff
Water Robe
Metal Babble Shield
Joy Hat
Metal Babble Sword
Metal Babble Armor
Shield of Strength
Metal Babble Helm
Magma Staff
Shimmering Dress(Angel BIkini )
Metal Babble Shield
Joy Hat (Gold Hairpin)
Metal Babble Sword
Metal Babble Armour
Metal Babble Shield
Metal Babble Helm
Demon world Sword
Demon world Shield
Demon world Armor
Metal Babble Helm
As for the brave, the Hag Meta series is stronger than the Sky series, but it’s a brave man Equipping the Sky Series is obligatory.
Still, the helmet is overwhelmed by the performance of the Stray Metal Helm, so you have the option to equip this one. There are.
Ryan can be equipped with the Hagure Metal Mane only in the remake.
Tenshi’s Leotard and Ougon’s Tiara are only available in the remake.
Dragon Quest V: The Sky Bride’s Strongest Equipment List
出典 : Amazon.co.jp
Mmain character
Doragon Staff
Royal mantle
Shimmering Shield
Sun Crown
Gringham Whip
Princess robe
scale Shield
Metalking Helm
Gringham Whip
Princess robe
scale Shield
Gold Tiara
Gringham Whip
Princess robe
Flower umbrella
Gold Tiara
Zenithian Sword(ふぶきのつるぎ)
Zenithian Armor
Zenithian Shield
Zenithian Helmet
Gringham Whip
Princess robe
Silver Shield
Gold Tiara
Wreck Whip
Magic Armor
Metalking Shield
Metalking Helm
Metalking Sword
Metalking Armor
Metalking Shield
Metalking Helm
Monster Atype(Killer panther.etc)
Oricon Claw
Metalking Armor
Metalking Helm
Monster Btype(Slime .etc)
Metalking Sword
Metalking Armor
Metalking Shield
Metalking Helm
Monster Ctype(Oak King .etc)
Wreck Whip
Metalking Armor
Metalking Shield
Metalking Helm
Monster Dtype(Dragon kids)
gleaming sword
Silver Plate
Great Helm
Monster Etype((Slime knight .etc)
Metalking Sword(Snowblast Sword)
Metalking Armor
Metalking Shield
Metalking Helm
Monster Ftype((Great Dragon .etc)
Devil Claw
Silver Plate
Thinking Cap
Monster Gtype(Wizard.etc)
Gringham Whip
Dark Robe
Dark Shield
Hades’ Helm
Monster Htype((Dragee.etc)
Devil Claw
Silver Plate
scale Shield
Great Helm
Monster Itype((JewelBag.etc)
Turtle shell
silk hat
Monster Jtype((golem .etc)
Metalking Sword
Metalking Armor
Metalking Shield
Metalking Helm
Monster Ktype((キメラ .etc)
Devil Claw
Dark Robe
Wind Hat
Monster Ltype(Aarm lion .etc)
Gringham Whip
Dark Robe
Flame Shield
Thinking Cap
Monster Mtype((messara .etc)
Sword of Miracles
Metalking Armor
Metalking Helm
Monster Ntype((Killer machine .etc)
Metalking Sword(Snowblast Sword)
Fleme Armor
Metalking Shield
Metalking Helm
Monster Otype((centalouse .etc)
Hell Sabre (Snowblast Sword
Flame armor
Flame Shield
Great Helm
Monster Ptype((rockbomb – .etc)
Hell Sabre
Devil armor
Metalking Shield
Metalking Helm
Because it’s a game where you have to join monsters, the number of characters you can join is unparalleled in the series.
There are many monsters in the Metal King series that are equipped with the most powerful equipment, but it’s not easy to get them all together. It’s not a target, but rather the next best thing: Magic Armor, Dark Robe, Mikagami no Mane, Dark Shield You will need to prepare a number of equipment such as the “Great Helm” and “Great Helm”.
Blizzard, which compensates for increased damage to enemies around Mildredrath, Estarch and Evil Mountain. The Swine is far more useful than its notated offensive power.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Dragon Quest VI: The Greatest Equipment List
出典 : Amazon.co.jp
Mmain character
Lamias’ sword
Orgot’s armor
Sfeeda’s shield
Sebas helmet
MetalKing Sword
MetalKing Helmet
MetalKing Armor
MetalKing Shield
MetalKing Sword
Angel Bikini
MetalKing Shield
Eurasian Hat
Gringham Whip
Angel Bikini
MetalKing Shield
Eurasian Hat
MetalKing Sword
MetalKing armor
MetalKing Shield
Eurasian Hat
MetalKing Sword
MetalKing armor
MetalKing Shield
MetalKing Helmet
MetalKing Sword
MetalKing armor
MetalKing Shield
MetalKing Helmet
MetalKing Sword
MetalKing armor
Sheild of Max Wynne
MetalKing Helmet
MonsterAtype(slime .etc)
Orichalcum Fangs
MetalKing armor
MetalKing Shield
MetalKing Helmet
MonsterBtype(Rockbomb .etc)
Orichalcum Fangs
MetalKing armor
Ogre Shield
Golden Tiara
MonsterCtype(slime knight .etc)
MetalKing Sword
MetalKing armor
MetalKing Shield
MetalKing Helmet
MonsterDtype(WalkingCorpse .etc)
Gringham Whip
MetalKing armor
MetalKing Shield
MetalKing Helmet
MonsterEtype(LampGenie .etc)
MetalKing Sword
MetalKing armor
Silver Shield
Eurasian Hat
MonsterFtype(BossTroll .etc)
MetalKing Sword
MetalKing armor
Sheild of Max Wynne
MetalKing Helmet
The strongest equipment for each character is almost always fixed in 6.
The “Eurasian Hat” has a decent amount of defense, but its ability to trigger a series of spells is so strong that it’s a must-have for any character who excels at spells.
If you don’t have enough of them, use the golden Tiara or Slime Helmet instead.